Podcast Production Services

If you want to make a podcast successful so that your listeners come back for more, it has to be a good blend of expertise, content, and production. In order to enhance your podcast audience's experience, Cambridge Podcast production services are here to deliver the right balance. We look forward to being a part of your podcast journey!

Podcast Scriptwriting

Why should people listen to your podcast or listen to an interview? Throughout your podcast creation process, we constantly ask you this particular question in order to help you understand what makes your content unique. The podcast market is exploding with hundreds of thousands of content and to get noticed, your podcast has to stand out. Our goal is to help you achieve this edge. Our experts will help you prepare the structure of the script, prepare insightful questions to the interviewer and make sure that the episode achieves the goals it sets out to accomplish. As part of our service, we will assist you in defining the character curve or topics discussed in each episode and will help you identify what your listeners are most interested in.
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Podcast Recording & Transcribing

We have also added the ability to perform the recording remotely. Each recording will be transcribed by our transcriptionists and send it to our writers to make them more accurate. This is just an oversimplified version of what we do! You can track your podcast's progress throughout the production process.

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Podcast Voice-Over

It is either you, someone from your organization, or a popular or external host who will be the voice of your podcast. Regardless of who would like to be the voice of the podcast, simply let us know, and we will do the rest of the training to get the person ready for the recording.
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Podcast Editing

Our team will simplify the process of editing for you. You will need to send us the audio files once you have recorded your narration. During the recording process, we optimize the ad, add music (you will get the best original jingle), improve the sound quality, remove unnecessary pauses, add the sponsor details in between, and make thorough checks to ensure the recording is perfect. After a thorough edit, we'll send you the document back for your review. After everything is reviewed and ready, the podcast is ready for publication on the podcast platform. Each platform has guidelines that should be followed, so we make sure that the content adheres to them. The content is organized in such a way that it hooks your listeners without distracting them.

Our team is here to assist you with creating the best and most successful podcast possible. No matter if you are a beginner or a seasoned pro, we offer voice coaching for everyone. Our podcast services include music and artwork design as well. We offer extensive experience with podcasting through our Launchpad Services and Promotion Services. If you have any questions or thoughts about anything related to our services, please feel free to contact us.

What steps are involved in producing a podcast?

There's no secret to starting a podcast, but you will need to take some steps in order to launch one. The steps involved are:
  • Selecting a topic and naming your project
  • The show's and episode's format
  • Art/design creation for the cover
  • Music for the intro and outro
  • The equipment selection process
  • Recording and editing of audio
  • Podcast submission to Podcast platforms (iTunes, Spotify and so on)
  • Marketing and promotion

In what ways will Cambridge Podcast assist me with podcast production?

We create podcasts that enhance your audience's experience, so if you're starting a podcast or upgrading one you already have, you'll find everything you need at Cambridge Podcast. As a podcast production service, we are committed to helping you create podcasts that engage your target audience. With organizing content, creating music and managing many different aspects of a podcast, we help you make it happen. The platform will be ready for publishing once we get your thumbs-up. Furthermore, we offer training and voice coaching to all of our clients and make sure all their needs are met. Offering a variety of services, we are based in Cambridge, but we also cater to other parts of the United Kingdom. Our team looks forward to working with you! Reach out to us today!
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