The Virtual School is a statutory structure which supports the education of all looked after children (in care or foster families) and those with a social worker. It is both educational and heartwarming to learn of the dedication of the people involved. If you work in education or social care, or if you are interested in either, this is for you.
Hosted By

John Jordan-Hills and Edwina Erskine

John Jordan-Hills and Edwina Erskine

Learn, Aspire, Thrive, Achieve.

Episode 11 - How does governance support the education of children in care?

Cambridgeshire Virtual School receives support and challenge from the Virtual School Management Board. In turn there is an expectation that school governors and trustees ensure that they hold schools and trusts accountable for the educational outcomes of all children known to social care. Andrew Read is the Chair of Cambridgeshire Virtual School Management Board. He joins Claire Hiorns, Virtual School Head Teacher, to discuss governance and accountability with John and Edwina. They determine that strong governance is key to promoting educational outcomes and consider the structures and processes in place within both the Local Authority and at a school and trust level. Governors (Cambridgeshire Virtual School) - Learn Together (

Episode 10 - How can we minimise the risk of NEET?

In this episode Edwina and John are joined by Laura Jenkins, the Virtual school's post-16 and careers lead alongside Mark Cowdell, Cambridgeshire's countywide NEET manager. We know that the risk of becoming NEET (not in education, employment or training) is higher for children in care and care leavers. So how can we mitigate against this? Laura and Mark advocate driving high aspirations right through from early years and primary education. Update to Participation Statutory Guidance FINAL ( Characteristics of young people who are long-term NEET (

Episode 9 - How can schools work in partnership with foster carers?

Kevin Arrowsmith, adoptive parent and foster carer, and Claire Pickett, Cambridgeshire foster carer training lead, join John and Edwina in this episode to discuss the vital role foster carers play in supporting the education of children in care. They comment on the educational journeys of our children and young people through a unique lens, sharing unseen barriers children may face in accessing education. In particular they describe how close partnership working between school and home can overcome challenges and drive aspiration, attainment and progress forward. Thinking of becoming a foster carer? Life as a Foster Carer is a hugely rewarding life-changing experience, and no two days are ever the same. If you want to make a real, positive difference to the lives of local children and young people, there has never been a better time than now to join us – so please get in touch. Fostering in Cambridgeshire - Cambridgeshire County Council

Episode 8 - How can we promote educational outcomes for all children known to social care?

Heather Edwards and Zoe Lattimer are back with Edwina and John to discuss the emerging national agenda around the educational outcomes for children who have or have had a social worker in the last 6 years. They consider what is known already about this cohort and how partnership working can be developed to promote educational outcomes for these children and young people. Cambridgeshire Virtual School are hosting a conference on this theme "Stable Schools: Leading Change and Building Futures". To book a place on this please follow the link (for Cambridgeshire schools and trusts only) Promoting the education of children with a social worker ( Children's social care stable homes built on love consultation ( Links to the app: Cambridgeshire Virtual School – Apps on Google Play Cambridgeshire Virtual School on the App Store (

Episode 7 - How can we best support transitions?

Tom Hallmark and Zoe Lattimer join John and Edwina in today's episode to discuss the impact of change and transitions for children and young people who are in care. Change can be difficult for this cohort. This is because children who have experienced early trauma and unhealthy attachments do not know that change is OK; being able to know that change is OK can only come when you have a secure basis to place that on. Transition is not just about the major changes that occur in phases throughout life. There are many transitions which occur in a typical day. For example, from one task to another; moving from one room to another; from home to school/college and back again; inside to outside; classroom to break time. Cambridgeshire Virtual School - Learn Together ( Transition book (

Episode 6 - How do we support separated migrant children?

In this episode John and Edwina are joined by Isabella Stecka (Senior Social Worker) and Kim Green (Virtual School Advisory Teacher). Issy and Kim share their extensive knowledge and experience in the fields of social care and education respectively around the specific needs of this group of children in care. Their passion is remarkable, and we hope that the stories they refer to in this podcast inspire you to hold the highest of expectations for this cohort of young people. Cambridgeshire Virtual School (@CambsVs) / Twitter Cambridgeshire Virtual School - Learn Together ( Promoting the education of looked-after children and previously looked-after children (

Episode 5 - What is Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD)?

Brian Roberts and Clare Hawking join John and Edwina today to promote prevention, diagnosis and support for children and young people with FASD which results when prenatal alcohol exposure affects the developing brain and body. They encourage everyone to work together to increase awareness of FASD and ensure that children and young people in our schools are appropriately understood and supported to ensure that they shine! Cambridgeshire Virtual School - Learn Together ( Field of Enterprise Training & Consultancy - Field of Enterprise Home - National FASD Overview | Fetal alcohol spectrum disorder | Quality standards | NICE

Episode 4 - What is trauma informed practice?

In this episode, John and Edwina turn to our very own experts Jo Lyness and Pamela McLeman to better understand the impact of early, repeated trauma and loss which can happen within the child’s important relationships. Jo and Pamela’s knowledge about the repair of trauma and adversity offers hope and support through a trauma informed lens. Cambridgeshire Virtual School - Learn Together ( Home (

Episode 3 - What does a child's journey through social care look like?

In today’s episode, Olly Grant and Catherine Langan give us a glimpse into the work of the social care professionals who support children and young people beyond the school gates. They open with some of the issues which may have led to a child becoming known to them and provide guidance on some of the technical jargon and legal processes.

Episode 2 - What is a Designated Teacher?

In episode 2, John and Edwina discuss the role of the Designated Teacher with our Assistant Head Teachers - Heather Edwards and Ross Bilimoria-Mears. The designated teacher is a central point of initial contact within the school. Learn more about the statutory nature of this role, strategic and operational duties and the difference which can be made. The designated teacher for looked-after and previously looked-after children (

Episode 1 - What is a Virtual School?

In this opening episode of Cambridgeshire Virtual School’s new podcast series, John and Edwina talk to Claire Hiorns and Matthew Cooke - two experienced Virtual School Head Teachers. Stay tuned to understand the breadth and scope of the work of Virtual Schools and their key role in promoting educational outcomes. Spoiler alert! Virtual Schools are not online learning platforms! Cambridgeshire Virtual School (@CambsVs) / Twitter Cambridgeshire Virtual School - Learn Together ( Promoting the education of looked-after children and previously looked-after children (
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